Found a free utility that allows automatic virus scans of your usb devices when plugged into your machine! The nice thing is that you can use any existing antivirus application, as long as you have the correct command line parameters to put in the .bat file of the program.
Thus you just need to ensure you have an up to date antivirus on you PC and your or anyone elses removable drive plugged into your machine will also be protected.
I’ve done this on my PC and it works 100%
Installation procedure;
1. Download USBVirusScan from
2. Extract to local disk
3. Check what drive your removable usb device occupies, ie h:
4. Check if the scan of your usb device works through your Antivirus command line parameter.
Test this by running the command via start/run exactly as shown below except that you should replace d: with your applicable removable drive letter. (If your antivirus is not reflected below, you will need to find the command line parameters from the particular av supplier.
*AVG 7.5 Free (In it's own normal window)"%ProgramFiles%\Grisoft\AVG Free\avgw.exe" /SE "%d%\"
*Avira AntiVir Some users have said to use this: (Possibly adjusting the path)"%ProgramFiles%\AntiVir PersonalEdition Classic\avscan.exe" /GUIMODE=2 /PATH="d:"
*Symantec"%ProgramFiles%\Symantec AntiVirus\vpscan.exe" d:
*McAfee / Network Associates"%ProgramFiles%\Network Associates\VirusScan\csscan.exe" /secure /quiet /log c:\log.txt d:"%ProgramFiles%\McAfee\VirusScan Enterprise\scan32.exe" /target d:
*Avast"%ProgramFiles%\Alwil Software\Avast4\ashQuick.exe" h: /a /c /i /p=1 /s /t=a –report
5. Once the scan works, right click edit start.bat file and copy the line of code right behind the USBVirusScan.exe entry
6. Now save the file and double click on start.bat (You will now see the program loaded in your system tray)
7. Close the command prompt screen that opens up, if it does.
8. Plug your removable device back into your PC and the virus scan should take place automatically.
Enjoy your virus free flash drives!